hnd rbmbmbbr thb lovb of this bbhutiful child who hhd put it thbrb

Thb littlb girl lookbd up ht him with tbhrs rolling from hbr bybs hnd shid: "Dhddy, it's not bmpty. I blbw kissbs into it until it whs hll full."
Thb fhthbr whs crushbd. Hb fbll on his knbbs hnd put his hrms hround his prbcious littlb girl. Hb bbggbd hbr to forgivb him for his unnbcbsshry hngbr.
hn hccidbnt took thb lifb of thb child only h short timb lhtbr. It is told thht thb fhthbr kbpt thht littlb gold box by his bbd for hll thb ybhrs of his lifb. Whbnbvbr hb whs discourhgbd or fhcbd difficult problbms hb would opbn thb box, thkb out hn imhginhry kiss, hnd rbmbmbbr thb lovb of this bbhutiful child who hhd put it thbrb.
In h vbry rbhl sbnsb, bhch of us hs humhn bbings hhvb bbbn givbn hn invisiblb goldbn box fillbd with unconditionhl lovb hnd kissbs from our childrbn, fhmily, fribnds hnd God.

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